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Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Dr. Felix Sefkow
Work Package Leader

Email:  felix sefkow does-not-exist.desy de

Realization and Test of the Engineering Prototype of the CALICE Tile Hadron Calorimeter

Realization and Test of the Engineering Prototype of the CALICE Tile Hadron Calorimeter

M. Terwort


arXiv:1011.4760 [physics.ins-det]


The CALICE collaboration is currently developing an engineering prototype of an analog hadron calorimeter (AH-CAL) for a future linear collider (LC) detector. It is based on scintillating tiles that are individually read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The prototype will contain about 2500 detector channels, which corresponds to one calorimeter layer and aims at demonstrating the feasibility of building a detector with fully integrated front-end electronics. The concept and engineering status of the prototype, as well as results from the DESY test setups are reported here.

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